My GENER8TION: Why So Many Words?

A baby from the 80′s, I have been fascinated by the cultural and societal implications of the “Millennial Generation.”

My GENER8TION (culturally relevant “8” added for emphasis <— sarcasm).

Generation Y, Net Generation, Echo Boomers, Generation Next…

Our experiences are unique. We all have a story to tell and a place to do so. I am captivated by them all.

Interested in what our generation of leadership will look like. Dynamic, connected, pervasive and technologically driven. A generation more connected than ever before, but yet distanced in a paradox of communication technology and social media. Inundated with information, we all search for truth, for meaning, for purpose. Through it all, I find hope in the timeless message of Christ. Captivated, as the gospel remains relevant through ALL generations. Reaching past many human attempts (and failures) at “religion” by reaching into the depths of our soul and calling us to relationship. That we would intimately know our Savior.

Each day my generation gains more influence on culture and our everyday lifestyle. The oldest gen Y’s are now married, with  families, and moving into influential roles in business and society. We are the entrepreneurs, the strength of the workforce, a strong vote and a generation with a loud, global voice. We are socially-networked, plugged-in, uploaded and updated with the latest versions of technology and information. Societally, we are distanced by technology and linked by it at the same time. Our phones now need an adjective to describe their “intelligence” and we can tweet, tumble and status update our way to instant gratification.

For too long we have been seen as a market segment. Packaged and sold what we want to see, want to hear. When all I see is…

A generation that desperately needs Jesus.

Though I do not have all the answers, I thought I’d share a few thoughts. My mind often works faster than my hands can type. This is attempt to make the translation from synaptic gaps to words-per-minute. To capture my experiences in writing. I’m a firm believer my generation needs a voice. Their own voice. I can only hope you enjoy what you read, and leave with something you need.

Thanks for stopping by.

2 Responses to “My GENER8TION: Why So Many Words?”
  1. Jim says:

    Wow, your generation has had it all until greed burst the bubble in 2007 & now many are asking – is their more to life? Jim

  2. Jim says:

    Great Job on your blogging RJ – a gift you use well!

    Each person you meet is Jesus in disguise. -Mother Teresa

    Leave the “ways of the world” & follow Him! What Would Jesus Do? Really? We Need to Know Him Better Today!

    Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself. ” Eleanor Roosevelt

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